St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America
7099 S Military Trail, Lake Worth, FL 33463

Welcome to St. Herman's!  Come and visit us and glorify Christ with us!  God bless you!


St. Herman Of Alaska

Founded in 1973, St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church is a parish of the Orthodox Church in America preserving the rich Orthodox Christian Liturgical and Spiritual Traditions primarily in the English Language. The parish is composed of Orthodox Christians of many different ethnic backgrounds, and exists to foster the salvation of its members through knowledge of the true God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

All Services in English (with some Slavonic and Greek on special occasions)

5:00 PM Vespers and the hearing of Confessions.
Saturday Evening 

9:40 AM Hours 
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.

Sunday Morning

Vigil or Great Vespers and the hearing of Confessions.
Eves of Great Feasts 6:30PM

Other Services and events as published in the Parish Calendar: here.

We're serving a regular schedule of Great Vespers Saturday night and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, 

For other services coming up, please consult the Calendar on the Service Schedule Page: here.

Through the prayers of St. Herman, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us!

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Your regular support is crucial to keeping our operations going.  Please invest in the future - your future - of the Orthodox Church in South Florida!

God bless you all.

You can donate here online. See the section below this message for the donation button.

Now You Can Give Directly to St. Herman's Online!

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Our Mission


Our Mission Statement:


"From this day forth, from this hour, from this minute, let us love God above all."

-St. Herman of Alaska

St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church considers it our special calling first and foremost to bring the Light of Christ and His Church to the small corner of the world that He has gathered us.  We are here to witness to the Life of the Holy Spirit in the Church, our Holy Tradition, which is not merely adhering to a set of rules, but rather, letting Christ be the rule of our life.  Our special witness comes through personal spiritual renewal and service to others.  We are called to reach out to the un-churched, and to welcome home those who have strayed. To one and all we say, "Come and See!"

A word to ponder